a) Bikram Limbu
b) Nishan Bhattarai
c) Rohit Bikram Thapa

Rima Gurung was the guest judge. VOT will surely be waiting for some other better episodes to have Rima as the guest judge again. Thanks a lot to Rima Gurung from VOT family.
Watch the Vidoes in next page
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
good to see reem gurung on the show. Show was damn good. I enjoyed watching each. the singer from Biratnagar was good one. I guess he will become the voice of teen. Mr host bezay khadka was looking cool and I am impressed with his flow and friendly presentation this episode was best. all i can say is voice of teen is a quality show.
Simanta Thapa,
i love u all rivals
so I think suraj will bcum vot of nepal but bikash... so I think suraj will bcum vot of nepal but bikash is also vary good. ram daju alik kharo hunu hudo racha reema grg chai RAMRI pani boli pani mithai cha arko ekjana bandana jee chai sarai kaam tara satik bolnu huncha thik nai ho baki rahyo ankar ko kuro dubai bhai baini ramara chan nepal ma eti hunu bhaneko sarai ramro ho arko cham chami ra khojipratvia bhanda ramro mannu parcha
Hi,,All Friends. I love this programme much. and alo i have a probelm. i didnt get full information how to vote to my favoriate arist. if any one knows abt that would u like to help me plz,,,hope to see again. by
Hi rubina and bezay, finally got chance to watch the show after a long week work. I am not satisfied with the floor of the stage it looks so funky and does not suits with backdrop. But you guys seem to be improving the presentation part. Bezay bro you've got a heavy voice I like your voice and rubina you are simply beautiful. You two are the charm of this show. By the way, Is the director same for the another show called Khoji Prativa ? oh that something dc sucks. you young people are doing far more better. Looking at the present scenario you two are doing very good. Nepal needs hosts like you and show like this. But yet you guys need to improve more. People discourages new comers but there's no point I can say anything about the absolute brilliant singers. Hope new singers will raise the voice of teens to the world. good luck.
Roshi Yolmo Lama
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