You must have watched yesterday's (14th May 2010) episode of Voice of Teen. Well well, if you haven't I have just prepared a comprehensive summary of what happened yesterday.
Yesterday's episode was the first elimination round for Top 25 contestants where it was set up to eliminate 3 contestants out of 13 Female Contestants selected to be at the 25 toppers list.
Yesterday's episode was honored by Rima Gurung as a guest judge. Her presence was itself special, and I must say, she just made the episode even more special with her Rocking Performance with one of the contestants. Hmm! desperate to know hah! , no worries .. just go through everything has been revealed one by one.

What happened every minute ?
As usual yesterday's episode had Rubina and Bezay as hosts. These guys are doing great on every milestone of episodes VOT airs every week. And as said earlier, Rima Gurung was as a guest judge for the Jury Panel, together with the regular judges Devika Bandana and Ram Krishna Dhakal. Judge, senior Musician, Raju Singh wasn't able to attend due to his personal engagements on his own matters.
Next, VOT started a new scoring system to evaluate the contestants. A roller with points was given to each Judge, which had numbers from 5 to 10. Score from two judges were shown and the score from third judge was hidden so as to tally out the final points at the end.
First contestant Rosy Hingmang from Birtamod was up with Thaha payen dobatoma. She seemed to have problems with her throat, and judges accepted that in consideration to her previous performances. Rima agreed her to have amazing talent was of no doubt to mark her with 8 points. And as marked, the man of disputes (hmm ! well we don't agree but, he admits himself, that sometimes), awards Rosy with 8 + 1 = 9 points.
After Rosy was Sanjita Chaulagain from Hetauda with Sadhana Sargam's Chithi aayena. Rima marked her, - 'Ramro thiyo tapaiko performance' and awarded with 9 points. Wow.
Jonila Tamang from Birtamod stood up with Kina Kina by Bishnu Chemjong and scored 8 from Rima, and yet another 8 from Devika. Shritsti Hingmang, another teen again from Birtamod and sister of Rosy(the first contestant of yesterday's episode), was up with Sanjivani's Aankhama aaune tasbir timro. And guess what, she did more than the singing. She was acting, dancing and expressing with the emotions of the song. Rima appreciated everything done by her. She adjectived - "Mind Blowing Facial Expressions", but complained on her starting of singing to be "Gandagol" . But Rima didn't forget to appreciate Shristi's interlude. And with loads of compliments the Birtamod Lady, Shristi got 9 from Rima, and 8 from Devika. I must not miss the words from Ram Krishna Dhakal. Just when, the song was tripped while Shristi was singing, he seemed little disapointed with technicians. This was one of the biggest complements of yesterday's show.
Aakashya Basyal from Butwal, was with Asha Bhosle's Sawane Jhari. The sweet little lady grabbed 8 from Rima and as 8 + 1 = 9 from Ram Krishna Dhakal. Megha Shrestha, the pretty looking diva was up with Pal Pal by Prashna Shakya. Devika was up with 8, Rima was up with 8 too where she didnt forget to remark Megha having very wonderful voice and a bright future. But, Ram Krishna stood up quite different. He remarked the performance of Megha as - "aajako tetti jamna sakena ... ". He must be expecting even more better than previous episodes.
Shobha Kafle - Katai napai - scored 8 from Rima and and same from Ram Krishna. Gunjan Soni (Kathmandu) was with Sashi Rawal's Chahana Sakiyo. This was now a different opinion from Rima. She seemed to be willing to make no comments on Gunjan's performance. Even though she got up with 8 points for Gunjan, her comment was - "It was good, it was well tried. This is my favorite song. It was good, but let me not comment more. You may not feel good .." And this was a big twist. And Devika was totally dissapointed, with 7.
Specials (Samta Rai and Anubhuti Gurung)

Samta Rai, from Dharan was up with Rima's song Lagide Lagide. and guess what, Rima says - 'well tried'. And it turned up to be the most remarkable moment in the whole show. Guess what, Samta hadn't listened to the song before. It was given to her by the VOT administration and she had decided to accept it. She used to be in India and had just returned to Nepal few years back. Rima stood up, held the microphone and started to rock the stage with the same song. Wow wow wow, it was the most entertaining moment of the whole night.

Then it was Anubhuti Gurung, with Sheetal/Subani's Farkena Mallai. Rima's favorite and and same of Devika's. Guess what ? They both listened the song first time together while they were somewhere. And Anubhuti turned out to be the best performer of the night. She scored 10 from Rima and yet another 10 from Devika. With her flawless singing, and damn good looking, innocent smile, she won everyone's heart and yes Anubhuti became the best performer.
And finally, Bina was up with Ciney Gurung's Mero Pyaro Manche Timi. Rima's words were, ' It was simple and sweet' and she gave her 9 points, and 8 was from Ram Krishna.
And with this the night reached the point of elimination. From among the bottom 6 contestants, 3 were to be eliminated. Manprit Lamsal was contestant on top 25, but she could not participate on the yesterday's show. Because of the reason, she was declared to be eliminated before the elimination was actually stared.
And, hence two more were to be selected. Initial tally of points showed Gunjan Soni and Bina Rai to be eliminated. Gunjan accepted the decision, and was feeling bad to be away of the show. She remembered her moments being with VOT. It was clearly seen that it was harder to accept but she appeared disciplined on the jury's decision.
However, Bina seemed to be quite upset. She worded her elimination to be quite unpredicted. Just after that when Ram Krishna Dhakal gave comments on Bina's dissatisfaction as herself being in parallel score with Megha, Bina argued even more on Megha being able to sing pop and fast track songs only. And Ram Krishna Dhakal at once spoke to take back the elimination decision of Bina Rai.
However, Rima seemed to be very upset with the attitude and the controversies & arguments at the final decision. She appreciated Gunjan's discipline and self respect, and seemed to be very against Bina. Even though she didn't express the name "Bina", she appreciated Megha and complemented Megha to have a bright future. Bina had quite harsh words at the end "Megha mero saathi bhaye pani aajako lagi mero dushman ho", and this must be what was very bad to be felt by Rima.
And with mixed emotions and sentiments, the first elimination round of female contestants among Top 25 , Voice of Teen Season 1 was wrapped up.
Next week will be the elimination with the Boys in Top 25 list.
Catch you again.
Voice of Teen.
Episode Videos
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Really enjoyed watching this show, very nice people were selected in top 25, really enjoyed watching last episode. I do have some comments and suggestion, first of all the website should be properly managed, I think this website is not properly managed. I feel some difficulties in searching the things in this website other things are ok.
hi i wanan say that... to give comment to the TEENS PERFOMERS is by the judges not the udgoshak...... mind it guys( me sohan from americe)
This site unorganized. program is ok. and i have a comments about two host. please learn how to host.. do copy of other for this. plz plz good luck. USA
I really enjoyed a lot....! Keep it.......up!
Judges are sometimes so strict and sometimes so soft. Give your own opinions about the performance about the music, if you're on the chair of judge it means that you got very goood knowledge about a music than why you afraid... ! why you hesitate give your opinions . We got the right not to agree everytime with other judges.
Anyway i enjoyed a lot. Keep it up.
Ha. Ha ha ramro lago
Well, I am happy to see our young talents' sharpening voices. Thats fantastic plus my fav songstress Rima as chief guest is an added flavor. My suggestion to judge, especially Ram sir: This is a competition and we are at a very sensitive part of the show.We are at the most crucial part of the show where performances are judged on all grounds- expression, posture, signing, and so so.But I don't like judges repeating their classical tone- I meant giving ONE chance if the contestant expresses grievance. No on feels he she has performed bad. and its the nature of the contestant to feel bad once they are expelled. So lets not go emotional and then just let him/her go ahead even after s/he is declared to have been eliminated. Iam not the relative or friend of that lady but as per the norms of the competition, its not fair to let someone go ahead after s/she is proclaimed failed. This will give bad impact not only to those who are expelled out but as a whole to the viewers. We feel that even if they don't perform, they can be promoted sud they cry or just shed tears on the stage. I was trying to say the same thing to Ram dai when he was here in Sanfrancisco last month, but cudnt get time.
Hope Ram dai takes it seriously with out feeling some thing bad about it and with out blaming me of speaking foolishly.
Thanks VOT and to Ram dai.
(I am your facebook fan)
hi this is ram for ireland, i would like to say some thing to judges esp ramkrishna daju plz do not take back ur decision..ur decision in this epi was good but u give another chance to them this is not fair. u give the chance to those contestent who have no decipline n respect to the judge decision..if u are wrong the janta will say not participent..all the best for vot..good job
Good job! watched other show called chamcham and prativa but I guess VOT is the eveything. Espcially the new young singers and the hosts too they are doing very good work, like the show and i like rubina sis and bezay bhai
i dnt like this programme
Any way proggam is so good.judge can take a tranning how to judge ok.actually judge's voice is not also judge must also take tranning.thank u
ammma am not satisfied with the beena, she was so ooposing the judge pannel. She miss her disciplined, u did good gunjan sony keep it up
Anchor plz improve
Let the show be fair
k ho aafu lai munparako song gaaya bhana mark dherai dna .dont do like that ok.devika mam dont know how 2 juge.
may 28th episode was really nice,who were selected for top 10 it was very very talented and geltal guys.those perfomence was nice and judge desigion also.but we would like to about the votting ,i mean if we want to vote from out of nepal best of our participent,we can or not plz just let us know.if we can how can we do it .also we would like to vote for our choice of paricipent thats way if u give us to chance we would be happy and thankx to the voice of teen family,
may 28th episode was really nice,who were selected for top 10 it was very very talented and geltal guys.those perfomence was nice and judge desigion also.but we would like to about the votting ,i mean if we want to vote from out of nepal best of our participent,we can or not plz just let us know.if we can how can we do it .also we would like to vote for our choice of paricipent thats way if u give us to chance we would be happy and thankx to the voice of teen family,
may 28th episode was really nice,who were selected for top 10 it was very very talented and geltal guys.those perfomence was nice and judge desigion also.but we would like to about the votting ,i mean if we want to vote from out of nepal best of our participent,we can or not plz just let us know.if we can how can we do it .also we would like to vote for our choice of paricipent thats way if u give us to chance we would be happy and thankx to the voice of teen family,
america ma 30,000 nepali people chain sapaila mann pariyako mancha aafno aahno choice ma chain. 10 janna contestent lai aafno aafno mat daina bichar cha tara hamile vot dina kohi madiam taha chaina.
america ma 30,000 nepali people chain sapaila mann pariyako mancha aafno aahno choice ma chain. 10 janna contestent lai aafno aafno mat daina bichar cha tara hamile vot dina kohi madiam taha chaina.
So good so far but I thought little bit bias has been done today. Shristi Hingmang was good contestant but she didn't do well today and judge praise her because of her past performance. I, personally kind of feel like sad to that. Judgment should be from current performance and legacy shouldn't be barrier.
sabai thikai nai chha tara program sanchalakharu patakkai bhayena...
yeti ramro programma teti naramra sanchalak nabhayeko bhaye dherai nai ramro hunethiyo......
keti judge bhaena
what a cheap stage!
hi! every team member of VOT. U guys r doin fantastic job. i wach this program form very first day. i live in syndy even i dont miss this programm. I would be more happy if we could vote through online as well. Best of luck for every contesten and love for dangali bedu for making our dang proud. keep it up............
- Arjun Adhikari
Going good and good everyday. It's improving itself. Keep up the good work.
I dont understand a point about this show;why are the finalist called with thier name and the place they come from? Why is it necessary to call them with the place they come from? Don't cut our country like a birthday cake. It's not really necessary I guess.It's a show of nepal and nepali not the show of pokhara,dharan,hetauda, birgunj, birtamod or whatever .....everything other than this is ok!!! hope to see the finest music and peformance in coming days.
Sanjeev from USA.
Everything else is going good except that stage and also participation of viewers inside stadium like American Idol and Indian Idol do. It makes popularity of show and give real challenge to the participant, I think.
A soft answer turns away wrath.
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