Voice of teen is speeding up towards finding the first Voice of Teen. Top 10 finalists have already been selected some 2/3 weeks ago. And yesterday was an episode with a chance to be with the Wildcard Nominee Contestants. Deatils on Wildcard nominees contestants are available here -
http://voiceofteenblog.meronepalma.com/p/voting-details-wildcard.html. And even more, yesterday's episode was a episode to premier the Voice of Teen Top 10 Song on air for the first time.

The VOT Top 10 Song is written by Lyricist Dinesh Adhikari, composed by Music Director Raju Singh. Dinesh Adhikari, and Raju Singh remembered making of the song on yesterday's episode. As a lyricist, Dinesh Adhikari appreciates the music composed for the song he has given words to. He marks that the music has made the song, even more beautiful. Similarly Raju Singh explains how the song was composed and how rich is the song technically. Main challenge in the song was to make it go with the different voice quality, and vocal ranges of the contestants.
Hats off to both of you for this wonderful and landmark piece for the Nepalese Music Industry.

And yes VOT is proud to announce a new song to tune with. A song speaking the newbies in music. -
Sangeeta Hos Mann ko Shanti, Geeta Jindagaani - संगीत होस् मनको शान्ति, गीत जिन्दगानी
With a new stage, a new charm and a whole new enthusiasm, VOT is moving forward and forward to find the one to be crowned with the title for the first time - "Voice of Teen".
Continue with episode videos. (What happened every minute).